History of halloween?
Why do we celebrate halloween ?

As I explain, the Druids, Celtic pagan priests

celebrate the night of the Samhain in which the

spirits returned to walk the earth, looking for the

living. That is why no fire was lit, the houses

remained cold and dark, their owners dressed in

funerals to avoid the attention of the dead and in

this way it was believed that on the night of the

dead they could continue to live if they went

unnoticed.In addition, this is how the Celts

celebrated the end of summer and the end of the

harvest and, with it, the beginning of a new year.

"All Hallows Eve" is the Anglo-Saxon name that

has been given to this particular tradition over the

centuries, the eve of All Saints' Day, which through

time and space would deform into the word


How Trick-or-Treating Became
a Halloween Tradition?